Don’t Just SAY Welcome, DO Welcome
When you want to find an organization that has the services or information you need, or when you're looking to support a cause, do you search for "welcome"? Neither do I. Why, then, do so [...]
When you want to find an organization that has the services or information you need, or when you're looking to support a cause, do you search for "welcome"? Neither do I. Why, then, do so [...]
A friend recently gave me a copy of the end-of-year fundraising letter from a tiny nonprofit. You could learn a lot about how NOT to do a fundraising letter from this example.
You know that friend who always turns every conversation back to his own stories? The relative who talks only about herself or, in rare instances, her children? Do you like to hang out with them? [...]
Almost every communication has more than one audience. And you should keep the needs and interests of all those audiences in mind as you develop that communication, whether it's your website, brochure, annual report, newsletter, [...]
This isn't a grammar lesson. Unless you're British, my title, "Audience Is Always Plural," is simply not true. Audience, a collective noun, is singular: The audience was enthralled by the performance. My point is rather [...]