Coronavirus Communication Basics
The thing to know about crisis communication is that fear makes people stupid - or at least inattentive.
The thing to know about crisis communication is that fear makes people stupid - or at least inattentive.
Every month, my bank sends me an email with the same subject line: Your next newsletter is here! Every month, I trash that email unread. Do my bank's newsletters contain information that might interest me? [...]
Much writing serves to obscure (root: dark) rather than to clarify (root: light) - whether deliberately [insert rant about politicians] or inadvertently. But you and I, gentle reader - we choose to bring light.
Into every communicator's life, a little dog poop must fall. That is, sometimes we have to talk about unpleasant but inevitable things. Not major crises - that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish - but [...]
When donors give online, how do you thank them? I hope you use the automated receipt function of your donor platform to send an inspiring, personalized thank-you email. Catholic Relief Services shows you how. The [...]