You’re Wearing a Crown of Candles!

Much writing serves to obscure (root: dark) rather than to clarify (root: light) - whether deliberately [insert rant about politicians] or inadvertently. But you and I, gentle reader - we choose to bring light. 

2018-12-12T12:14:19-05:00December 12th, 2018|Categories: Communications Strategies, Inspiration|Tags: , |

How Giving Thanks Is Like Good Writing

Throughout November, we're more or less constantly being exhorted to give thanks. When we respond to those exhortations - or perhaps simply cultivate gratitude as a practice of emotional and spiritual growth - we're likely [...]

2018-11-14T16:31:11-05:00November 14th, 2018|Categories: Communications Strategies, Inspiration|Tags: , , |

Here’s How to Get Your Emails Read

You probably know how important email subject lines are, right? Whether you're sending an ordinary business email or an email newsletter, the subject line announces why recipients should read your message. But did you know you have an additional opportunity to engage recipients before they open your email?

2018-10-17T14:50:01-04:00October 17th, 2018|Categories: Communications Strategies|Tags: |
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