About admin-jan

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So far admin-jan has created 161 blog entries.

“Audience” Is Always Plural, Part 2

Almost every communication has more than one audience. And you should keep the needs and interests of all those audiences in mind as you develop that communication, whether it's your website, brochure, annual report, newsletter, [...]

2017-04-20T16:45:57-04:00December 20th, 2009|Categories: Communications Strategies|Tags: , |

“Audience” Is Always Plural, Part 1

This isn't a grammar lesson. Unless you're British, my title, "Audience Is Always Plural," is simply not true. Audience, a collective noun, is singular: The audience was enthralled by the performance. My point is rather [...]

2017-05-03T17:12:21-04:00November 20th, 2009|Categories: Communications Strategies|Tags: , |
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