Got a Dragon on Your Hands?
In one of C.S. Lewis's Narnia books, a boy named Eustace gets turned into a dragon. After many adventures (which make Eustace a better, um, person), the lion Aslan uses his mighty claws to dig [...]
In one of C.S. Lewis's Narnia books, a boy named Eustace gets turned into a dragon. After many adventures (which make Eustace a better, um, person), the lion Aslan uses his mighty claws to dig [...]
Let's say you need a new webpage. Not a whole new website, just a page for your existing site. Maybe it's time to update "About Us," or maybe you have a new project or product [...]
Can we say "oops"? Here's what came in the mail last week: A slick four-color multi-page brochure from an arts organization proudly announced that one of its shows was running November 1-December 39. An event [...]
I'm as guilty as anyone. Sometimes the phone seems so heavy that it's easier to fire off an e-mail.
A new subscriber wrote, "Our biggest challenge is how to communicate our complex, jargon-laden capacity building work in clear and compelling terms to policymakers and funders." Yes, that's a big challenge!