About admin-jan

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So far admin-jan has created 161 blog entries.

Radiate Gratitude (annual reports 4 of 4)

Call it enlightened self-interest: You want to make your funders and donors feel all warm and fuzzy about helping you .... And then they will send you more money, and then you will be able to do more good work in the world.

2017-05-03T13:59:47-04:00March 13th, 2014|Categories: Communications Strategies|Tags: , , |

Yes, You Can Afford an Annual Report (2 of 4)

Last week, I told you how an annual report can help your nonprofit achieve your goals. That takes care of one side of the cost-benefit analysis. Here's the other side: Annual reports just don't have to cost that much.

2017-04-27T11:17:05-04:00February 27th, 2014|Categories: Communications Strategies|Tags: , |

Only If You Want to Raise Money (annual reports 1 of 4)

Does your nonprofit need to produce an annual report? Only if you want to raise money. I know, I know. You're raising money now. You wouldn't mind raising more money, of course. But you're not [...]

2017-05-03T15:21:18-04:00February 19th, 2014|Categories: Communications Strategies|Tags: , |
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